The SUPER VIP Bundle!

Yesterday I went over all the details of the VIP bundle and how you get over $225 worth of products for just $39 plus you get the Magazine weeks before it hits the bookstores and get exclusive access to the digital version for two weeks before anyone else can access it. This is the third year for the VIP bundle. Last year I added the Super VIP bundle, and it provided even more value.

                  Let me give you a little history of the magazine and what I am trying to do with the Super VIP offer. When the magazine first came out in 1995 there were about 25 magazines in the bookstores and a lot of competition. Folks in Vegas knew who Phil Steele was but a lot of folks around the country did not know who I was or had even seen the magazine. My goal was for people to just open the magazine and see how much information we had in it. To get the Phil Steele Magazine name out there I decided to send them out FREE to members of the media like writers plus radio and TV personalities. My goal was to get them hooked on the information in the magazine. I sent the magazine out for FREE to these media members for about 5 years then once it was established, I was able to stop that practice. I have not sent out any FREE issues since. My goal was accomplished as once these VIP’s started using the magazine yearly, they kept using it even when the FREE issues to them ran out. I had great belief in the product (magazine) and it is now considered the Bible of College Football.

                  Much as I had faith that once people started reading the magazine each year, they would NEED it every year after that, the same is my attack plan on Phil Steele Plus. I personally have used Phil Steele Plus for 15 years and I cannot handicap a game without using Phil Steele Plus especially during the season as the stats are updated weekly including the Individual and Average Game Grades. I do currently have a deal for some media members which gives them a discount so they can start using my Phil Steele Plus site for a few years until they are hooked like I am and then go to charging full price much like I did with the magazine. I consider media Members to be VIP’s, but I also consider my long-time readers VIP’s and came up with the Super VIP offer to get my regular readers using Phil Steele Plus at a ridiculously low rate.

                  I chronicled the VIP deal yesterday. The Super VIP differs in two areas. I listed the Five benefits of the VIP bundle, and you get all 5 of those. If you did not read it CLICK HERE. I mentioned in yesterday’s blog that I would go more in depth on the Phil Steele Plus bonus part.

I do a ton of radio and TV shows during the year and always have all the answers. My newsletter Inside the Pressbox gives you a ton of notes on every game each week. Besides watching 12 games at a time all day Saturday and then watching taped games during the week, my main source for all my information for writing Inside the Pressbox and for when I do radio/TV shows is Phil Steele Plus. Phil Steele Plus is a website that I have been working on for 15+ years. Here is a breakdown of what you get with Phil Steele Plus.  

You get the same individual game stats that are in the magazine not only for the previous year but for the last 16 years. Even better they are color coded in GREEN for good numbers and RED for bad numbers. You can tell immediately if a team is strong or weak running the ball or stopping the run. You get an individual Game Grade on every game. The Individual Game Grade does not have a starting point for the team. It only considers the stats put up and the opponent. Let’s say both Ohio State and Bowling Green played Akron, and each had a 500-200-yard edge and won 45-3. They would each have the exact same Individual Game Grade as this number is unbiased. These numbers are updated each week on Sunday! These numbers including an Average Game Grade are also updated each week, color coded for the FCS!




You get the Individual player stats not only for this year but for past years. Want to know what your QB did vs this week’s opponent last year and the year before. You can look it up quickly. We update these numbers each week during the season not only for the FBS but the FCS as well! If you are a Fantasy Football player, we have these for the NFL as well and have the Individual Game stats all the way back to 2013 (13 years!)

College Press allows us to post the College boxes for each FBS game and these are up each week. You not only get the Box Score but Individual stats. Including tackles, Starting lineups, Participation charts, drive by drive summaries and what I love the most is the complete play by play of each game. Even though I watch each game, I am watching 12 at a time and on Sundays I go thru the play by play of each game to refresh my mind on the past weeks results and make sure I did not miss any key plays.

The last 49 YEARS logs including spreads! Just like the 5-year logs in the magazine you can now go back 49 years with complete scores and lines on every game back to 1976. Since 2024 you also get the halftime scores of each game. You see when each team was ranked and if their opponents were ranked at the time of the game. We also have lines on Totals since 20003 (when Vegas started putting them up on every game. Want to know the last time your team was a 20-point dog? You have access to the last 49 years. Not only does this page have the logs but it also gives you the stat info on each team since 1988 and lists the head coaches each year with their individual records (see 3rd page). I find this very useful.

We list every draft pick of every team since the draft started in 1933 and the last 21 years team leaders in passing, Rushing, Receiving and defense. In the magazine we give you teams spread records for the last 10 years in 9 different categories. On Phil Steele Plus you get them in 45 categories such as Home dog vs ranked teams, Away Dog vs Conference, Underdog by 20 or more.

When you click on this years opponent you also get the Last 28 years matchups color coded in GREEN and RED including spread records and totals! If a team won the game outright, they are in GREEN. Lost it RED. If a team covered the spread is in GREEN and lost ATS it is in RED. You can tell at a glance, teams that are dominant in the series. It also shows you home records SU and ATS so you can zero in on streaks (look at all those UNDERS!).

                  Each week I do a Phil Steele Plus Tour with Selections and give out 4-7 Free Selections and another 4-7 Quick Hitters. I show you how to use Phil Steele Plus and give out some great plays. CLICK HERE FOR A SAMPLE USE NOVEMBER 2.

                  All this is available for all 136 FBS teams and for the FCS teams as well. There is a ton of more information as here and we the exact same stuff for all 32 NFL Teams. Here are the menus you have to choose from for FBS, FCS and NFL on Phil Steele Plus with the team pages having all the information I just detailed. VIP members get bull access for the months of June, July, August and September for FREE.

   The Super VIP gets you TWO Phil Steele Magazines shipped as the magazine comes off the press. When you purchase just the magazine online and include the shipping the price comes out to $32.99 when you order one. If you bought two online separately it would come out to $65.95. The Super VIP gets you two magazines for $69.96 plus gets you the digital magazine and FCS Digital Magazine for FREE plus you also get the first four issues of my Inside the Pressbox FREE. The biggest difference is you get the entire year of Phil Steele Plus for FREE thru the Super Bowl! That is from right now thru this upcoming Super Bowl or 12 months of Phil Steele Plus. Phil Steele Plus sells for $99 for the year and we do drop the price to $89 in December. This means even my full Phil Steele Plus members who have been paying $99 per year can simply become a Super VIP and get Phil Steele Plus for the year PLUS two magazines and all the great benefits of being a Super VIP member. I may end this offer in the next month or so as it gives away so much, but I do want to give you a chance much like certain media members are given the opportunity to take advantage of this offer while Phil Steele Plus is growing. A few years from now when Phil Steele Plus is firmly established just the magazine the Freebies will be gone. To become a Super VIP member, CLICK HERE.


Get Phil’s Extended data and Plus your odds. Click on Learn more to see exactly how Phil uses Phil Steele Plus. FCS only access also available.