Phil Steele’s 2019 College and NFL Workbook


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Phil Steele’s 2019 College and Pro Workbook.

The 2019 College and Pro Woorkbook is the perfect companion for anyone during the College or Pro Football season. In the workbook you will have 2 complete pages for each 32 NFL teams and 130 College Football Teams. Fill out the teams schedules with results as you go through the season.

Check out what’s inside this jam packed publication.

Two Full Pages for all 32 NFL Teams.
Two full pages of information on each of the 32 NFL Teams. Full schedules and results for every NFL team dating all the back to 1997. Detailed records of coaches and team stat leaders back to 1997. The last 10 years ATS and Over/Under records. Statistical breakdowns and ranking for each 32 NFL Teams.

Two Full Pages for all 130 College Football Teams.
Two full pages of information on each of the 130 College Football Teams. Full schedules and results for every College team dating all the back to 1997. Detailed records of coaches and team stat leaders back to 1997. The last 10 years ATS and Over/Under records. Statistical breakdowns and ranking for each 130 College Teams.

**Shipping is included in the price of the Scorebook.



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