FCS YPP Defensive Factor

In today’s blog I will give you the actual article from this year’s FCS magazine. The FCS magazine is digital only but does have two full pages on every FCS team just like the FBS magazine. There are 118 FBS vs FCS games this year. Also, many casinos are posting lines on the FCS vs FCS games. Now back in the first years of my magazine I ran a Sports service and back then and my documented top play record was 9-4 in 1995 and 11-4 in 1996 using the information from my magazine. That is a sweet 20-8 71%. I bring this up because you can become an FCS expert for 2024 while the bulk of the country is still clueless about most FCS teams and you would have a big time advantage. If you would like to order the FCS magazine click here.

Here is the Full Article on FCS YPP Defensive Factor.


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